Hultでキャリアチェンジ、ロケーションチェンジに成功。Arpit Choudaryさんの例
インド出身のArpit Choudaryさんは、タイとシンガポールでセールスと事業開発の仕事に7年携わったのち、HultのMBAプログラムでサンフランシスコに来ました。
彼は今、サンフランシスコでSales Development Managerとして働いています。
「One-year MBAプログラムは真に僕が求めていたプログラムだった。Hultはグローバルに活躍したい人にとってパーフェクトなプログラムだ。」とArpitさんは振り返ります。
今回はそんなHult MBAで大きなキャリアチェンジに成功したArpit Choudaryさんのインタビューを原文のまま掲載します。
Q:What made you choose Hult for your MBA?
Even though I was born in India. I spent most of my career in Thailand and Singapore and traveled to over 30 countries for work. I wanted to change my location of work and move to the United States. I also wanted to change my field and get into Technology-based companies.
I was looking for a one-year MBA with a practical curriculum. I wanted to join a business school with a global outlook. Hult offers a one-year MBA which fits all my requirements and thus, I chose Hult International Business school.
San Francisco is the place for Technology and start-up culture. That is the reason why I opted for Hult San Francisco Campus for my MBA.
Q:How was your experience at Hult?
My one year at Hult was an amazing experience for me. I had a lot of fun and got great friends from different cultures and backgrounds. Hult helped me to change my industry and location.
The career resources at Hult is a great advantage. At the end of my graduation, I had four job offers from which I get to choose the best one.
In short, Hult gave me everything I wanted and even more.
Q:What is your most amazing experience at Hult?
There are many memorable experiences for me at Hult.
Most important ones are my experience as a Hult Student Association (H.S.A.) representative, Hult business simulations, APICS case competition at Los Angeles, Hult Impact Challenge and Google Online Marketing Challenge.
Hult equipped us very well from the first day we arrived on campus. We had our own advisors who stressed the importance of the digital profile from the get-go. I also got a lot of help with my CV, Linkedin profile, and cover letter and even had one-on-one sessions. Finally, Hult’s academic courses provided a great base of knowledge for me when I was applying for jobs. When it came to the interviews, all those great tips and tricks I learned worked and materialized as job offers. Learn as much as you can from academics and from your peers, their culture, working style, tools they use etc. MBAを機にキャリアチェンジ、ロケーションチェンジを目指している方は、是非HultのOne-year MBA programを検討してみては如何でしょうか?Q:What advice would you have for current international MBA candidates?
Try to get out of your comfort zone and do what you couldn’t/didn’t do earlier.
Build your network both online and offline. Your network is everything when it comes to finding jobs. Start working on your career as soon as possible and make use of all the resources provided by the school in building your profile for job search.無料相談会でお待ちしています。
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