Hult卒業生が学ぶLifelong Learning Opportunities




そのため、Hultには、世界中で活躍している卒業生が学習し続けることができるコミュニティとして、「Lifelong Learning Opportunities」という制度があります。

このLifelong Learning Opportunitiesを利用することで、卒業生はわずかな登録費で毎年参加したいひとつのコースを選択して学習を継続することができるようになります。7つのグローバルキャンパス(ドバイ、上海、サンフランシスコ、ボストン、ニューヨーク、アシュレッジ)で学ぶことができ、2016年は350人のHult卒業生がこのLifelong Learning Opportunitiesに登録しています。

そこで今回は卒業後もLifelong Learning Opportunitiesで学んでいる3人の卒業生をご紹介します。

Gabriella Krichevskyさん

・Master of International Business Class of 2015
・Life long learning course: Solutions Marketing (New York).

“After graduating from the Hult London campus last year, I moved to New York and started working for a market research company. You have to really hustle here, taking the Solutions Marketing elective allowed me to add to my skill set and market offerings.”

Auxi Heredia-Ortizさん

・MBA Class of 2014
・Life long learning course: Leading in a VUCA World (Ashridge, 2016) and Leading Change (Ashridge, 2015)

“The ability to continue learning after graduation provides me the opportunity to stay up to date in subjects that interest me. Also, it helps me to stay in touch with both Alumni and Hult, as well as to meet always new interesting people, diverse, with different backgrounds and age range. It helps me to disconnect with my day to day job, reconnect with the rest of the world and reflect about to taking new paths or staying where I am currently. Interacting with other Alumni provides me a good benchmark when it comes with potential career paths to take.”

Angie Nguyenさん

・Master of International Business Class of 2014
・Life long learning course: Big Data Analytics (Shanghai)

“Data becomes more and more important in every single industry, especially in Recruiting. Working as a Client Solutions Manager, I always need to learn more about the new trends.




・遠方の方はオンライン(スカイプor Zoom)での相談会も可能です。ご希望の日時をお知らせください。


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