
Professor of the Year Awards 2017: インタビュー



Hultの“Professor of the Year”は学生によって投票され、ビジネス教育への斬新なアプローチなどが評価された教授に与えられます。

Undergraduate program(学士号)のマーケティングカテゴリーにおいて今年その名誉を受賞したのは、Momodou “Mo” Willan教授です。
イギリスのミドルセックス大学にてPhDを取得しガンビアミネラルウォーターカンパニーのCEOやフランスのマルチナショナル企業でマーケティングマネージャーを歴任。自身のコンサルティング会社のCEOとして、コカコーラ、ブリティッシュ・カウンシル、NNPC(Nigeria National Petroleum Company)、ガンビア商工会議所などを顧客に活躍しています。

と語ってくれたのは、Hult BBA Class of 2017でimPACKt farm Co-FounderのAlexandra Welch, Co-Founderさん。


赤やじるし(HULT) Hi Mo, Congratulations on winning the teaching award—for the sixth year running! So, what’s the secret to mastering marketing?!

(Mo)Marketing is happening around us all day, every day. In order to help my students relate to the important issues we discuss in class, I draw on my professional experience to provide real organizational context and examples that will add a practical dimension to the discussion.

I also place huge emphasis on bringing in real corporate clients to all my courses, so that my students can apply learnt concepts in generating solutions for real business challenges. The rationale of this approach is to very early on expose students to the complexities of managerial decision making. I don’t look at my students as students—I look at them as future managers, because that’s what they are. From day one, I ask them to wear that hat and to think strategically about how they would respond to changes in the marketing environment and the implications of their marketing decisions on organizational performance. At Hult, you live what you study. That is how we prepare you.

赤やじるし(HULT)How would you describe your teaching style?

(Mo) My teaching style is very interactive and engaging—I am more of a facilitator of discussions and interactions, which allows students to take ownership and drive topical issues. I generate a positive atmosphere so that everyone feels comfortable to ask questions, challenge assumptions, express their viewpoints, and feel safe enough to make mistakes. This all helps to develop a critical mindset.

赤やじるし(HULT)And how does your global experience influence this?

(Mo)I have worked in The Gambia, Nigeria, Ghana, Germany, France, Dubai, USA, and England, and these experiences helped shape my understanding of how businesses operate in different parts of the world. Now I bring these experiences into the classroom and share them and worldview with students. It also helps me relate to our students, which is especially important when you consider that the Hult undergraduate program hosts over 120 different student nationalities!

赤やじるし(HULT)Do you think the global perspective is crucial today?

(Mo)Globalization is driving firms to expand their operations into all parts of the world and so successful employees today need a global mindset. It is crucial that business schools equip their students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies that will better prepare students for such global assignments. And with that I am proud to be a part of Hult—a bold, innovative, forward-thinking and global family that is reshaping the education space.

赤やじるし(HULT)Thanks Mo, great chatting to you!